Patios, Paths, and Foundations
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Patios, Paths, and Foundations

What kinds of structures do concrete contractors create? They are often hired to pour foundations. Whether it's a basement or a slab foundation, concrete is the way to go. Another common job is pouring patios. A concrete patio is nice and durable, and it also looks nice. Then, there are the smaller projects: concrete stairs, pathways, planting boxes, and more. You don't have to be a concrete contractor to learn about these services. In fact, this blog is written for everyone, and no matter who you are, it will teach you more about concrete work and the people who do it.

Patios, Paths, and Foundations

Ready-Mix Concrete—Keys To Dealing With Its Drop-Off

Freddie Andrews

If you have a large concrete project that you're looking to complete, ready-mix concrete might be the best solution for the job. It can be professionally developed and dropped off by knowledgeable contractors. To ensure drop-off goes according to plan, be sure to take these measures.  

Hire a Drop-Off Consultant

After your ready-mix concrete is developed in a warehouse and loaded up into a concrete mixing truck, it's now ready to be dropped off at your worksite. To ensure this drop-off works out smoothly, you might want to hire a consultant. They can help with several key matters. For instance, they can make sure your target setup location is correct. Once this is verified, they can make sure the path leading up to it is clear. This will help the driver of the concrete mixing truck move the truck into place without hitting someone or something. 

Install Steel Rebar in Advance

If you want to give ready-mix concrete added structural support, then you can incorporate steel rebar throughout it. You'll just need to set up these steel materials before ready-mix concrete is delivered by a supplier.

Take your time placing each section, making sure it's in the right area and will provide optimal results with ready-mix concrete. Then once you're ready for this concrete, it can be delivered to the appropriate drop-off point. At this time, you can work the ready-mix concrete over and around the rebar until you have optimal results. 

Wear Goggles When Working With Ready-Mix Concrete After It Is Dropped Off

After ready-mix concrete is dropped off at your site by a supplier, you're now ready to spread it out around the appropriate locations. To do this safely and effectively, you'll want to wear safety goggles the entire time. It wouldn't be ideal to have this type of concrete get in your eyes after all. Safety goggles will prevent this from happening. You just need to get goggles that are durable, easy to put on, and have lenses that don't fog up. Then you'll have a better time spreading ready-mix concrete to the correct areas for an optimal, safe setup.

Ready-mix concrete has a lot of amazing advantages. If you need its properties for a concrete project, then it's important to be careful about how it's dropped off and how you work with it afterward. If you have plans and use the correct tools, this concrete will be much easier to deal with as a whole. 

Contact a local concrete service, such as Mershon Concrete, to learn more. 
